Program Leonardo da Vinci
Opis: Szkoła informatyki i prac biurowych z Portugalii poszukuje partnera, który przyjąłby uczniów wieku 17-19 lat mówiących po angielsku i francusku na letnie praktyki w ramach programu Leonardo da Vinci.
Gdzie: kraj partnera
Kiedy: czerwiec-lipiec 2007
Kontakt: Nuno Varajăo Barbosa
E-mail: nvarajao@clix.pt
Więcej informacji poniżej:
We are of Saint Tirso, a professional school in Tirso Saint (20 kms of Porto – Portugal), in the north of Portugal with courses of Secretary and courses of Informatic. Our region, Vale do Ave, has many companies of the area of the textile. Our students have 17-19 years and learn English and French. Our school is interested in participating in project Leonardo of da Vinci. In 2006 our school delivered to projects coménius and Leonardo of da Vinc i them our pupils to serve as apprentice in France, Bulgaria and Spain. Our school also received pupils French to serve as apprentice in our city. When having a shelter partner each school spends little money with the period of training of the pupils in the foreigner. In 2005/2006 we participate in one project language with a school of Roménia and one project Coménius with a school of Italy and a school of Belgium. Our school wants to find new partners for 2007 for the Leonardo Program of the Vinci, therefore it intends to send more pupils for more different countries of that it sent this year. The best period to make the period of training in a company or organization in your country is in June – July of 2007. We intend mainly that the computer science pupils make the period of training in computer science companies, that we work in the hardware and web design and the secretaryship pupils work in the administrative area of a company. The pupils do not have pro fessional experience.